We have collated some fun, unique and engaging activities for Primary School Aged Children. They are used to learning and exploring for hours a day. Our tip is to have a resource box for them or a laptop / tablet available if possible. Here are some great ideas. Have fun
Go to websites, Resources and Activity Ideas:
BBC Bitesize
Daily Lessons, activities and Resources
The best live lessons to help homeschool kids during lockdown

Save The Children – Reading and Writing and Making and Doing Ideas during Lockdown

How to stay creative durning lockdown

29 Activities to keep the kids occupied during lockdown https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/life/29-kids-activities-during-lockdown-691585

Coronavirus Book for Children
We stumbled across this book and it is a great resource for talking to your child about the virus

What our Local Businesses are offering:
Crafty Chefs
Crafty Chefs have created a YouTube channel for you to see some of our quick and easy bakes to make. The idea is somewhere to go when you want ideas to bake with the kids or if they are older they can follow the video by themselves.

Mad Science
Mad Science are offering science enrichment sessions for children LIVE to your home. Tune in every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 11am where you and your child can join Dr Dude for some exciting, educational and entertaining experiments. With different topics and experiments, each session is £4 or £10 for the week but don’t worry if you miss the live-stream, each session is available to watch after at a time that suits you.
Simply visit www.east.madscience.org to book.

Pro Elite Football Academy
We are offering new live streamed football sessions via Zoom!
Book one-off, or weekly classes, with your favourite coaches to keep you entertained and active in the comfort of your own home.
Our sessions are held every Saturday, open to superstars aged 18 months – 12 years young.
To enjoy 30 minutes football fun, book through our website below, with a price of £4 per session.

Dance Stables
Dance Stables are running Dance & Fitness classes for the whole family. Kids classes, adult classes and Family Fitness Fusion classes each day. Ballet, Street Dance, Contemporary Dance, Fitness and more. We have introduced new DS Online Memberships, which means unlimited classes throughout the month.
We will also be updating our YouTube channel with lots of fun tutorials and past performances for everyone to enjoy. Get in touch to be emailed over our DS Kids Activity packs too, filled with games, colouring and more. Contact us at DS.team@dancestables.co.uk
We can’t wait to connect and dance with you all. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain”.

North London Street Dance Academy
We are going to be offering regular weekly classes, tutorials and challenges for children and dance & fitness classes for adults

Streetz Ahead
Streetz Ahead are offering every week day a Facebook live 20 minute dance party with a fun ‘end of the show show’ for all the family to join in and stay fit at home.
All being uploaded onto YouTube to look at a later date:
Please email us for further information info@streetzahead.org
Or visit our website www.streetzahead.org
Sport 4 Kids
Sport4Kids are running fun and inclusive sessions for children and parents alike via S4K TV! We are running sessions in football, rugby, yoga, our innovative ActivKids programme and S4K Outdoors activities! Sessions both live and pre recorded! We are also proud to be helping in schools in the borough and supporting key workers through their incredible work, more to come on this!

Platinum Performing Arts
As a family and a community we must support each other and share light at times of
uncertainty! So we have decided to set up free weekly challenges for parents and children whilst being at home. These challenges will be in Dance, Acting & Singing!. You must learn & video the challenge the post it on your Instagram social media page! please tag @Platinum Performing Arts & #platinumperformingarts. We will then repost.
To take part in our challenge, please contact us on info@platinumperformingarts.co.uk
Teddy Tastic
TEDDY TASTIC FUN PACKS delivered to your door!
A great treat for the children in these troubled times plus an amazing EASTER GIFT instead of chocolate eggs!
ONLY £10 to include:
10 inch bear/animal Bear Stuffing
Birth Certificate
Wishing heart Colouring in sheets

Theatre Life Academy
We are live on Instagram 12pm on Sunday and Wednesday and then I’m uploading free performing arts videos / activities & games onto our YouTube channel Theatre Life Academy
Perform Better
Lives and Demonstrations are shown on our Facebook Page. Follow us to take a look

Wild Fangs
New interactive video & worksheet (£5)
Plus lots more coming up at Wild Fangs:
– Free Animal video content
– £5 Early years home learning video and work sheet packs
– £5 grow your own stick insect home science project

The Artz Kidz
I’m emailing my database each week with games and arts and crafts they can do as a family at home. Anyone interested just send me their email on a private message. For children aged 2-11
Dr Sergis Academy
The academy are offering Skype/FaceTime sessions to students who want them. www.dsacademy.co.uk